Get Yourself back to work with our award winning E Learning online courses.
We have just been awarded the prestigious award of Best Online courses Education & Training Provider - UK 2020 by the SME News Midlands Enterprise Awards.
Lets get you back into work.
Welcome to ETrainUK. Your destination for E Learning, online courses learning and development courses. We are here to help you get back into work or get the extra qualifications to move forward with your ampitions. we can become a hub of opportunities for your future via E Learning and online courses.
Can you learn online? oh yes!, through the abundance of online courses we can offer. It all begins, however, by matching your needs with the right online course so visit our career advice page.
By choosing ETrainUK you can receive an online courses Training Needs Analysis (TNA) which is completely free and will help you chose the right courses to get you bak in employment. Tell us about your aspirations, career prospects and your previous experience, and we will guide you towards the right online course.

Our price pledge at ETrainUK
We understand the importance of keeping the cost down for those who are unemployed and looking for work. See how affordable it is to trian or that new role in your employment plan. This is ideal for both businesses and individuals.
Employers: Bring your new staff up to standard by enrolling them on an online course suited to their role. You may need to re-position them to avoid redundancies and to make the business grow better through back to work training. Health & Safety courses through to time management skills, safe medication use and much more can be utilised to improve the ability of your staff.
Employees: If you have an idea about what you want to do, or you need to get back into work, our site allows you to find an inexpensive online course solution. Develop your skills in your free time to improve your opportunities for the future. Apply for that vacancie with a good CV.

Can we help you to get back to work?
With over 25 years experience Etrainuk can keep you in employment or get you back into the workplace. We are here to help you right through your career with life long learning.
Being unemployed is not a place to be. We are here to support you with training to get you a better job. The online learning world has developed to make it a vital element in Continued Professional Development (CPD).
Lets work together and get you back into work. Changing your proession is easier than you might think.
Working with company directors and owners, our range of online courses has developed to help them to get the staff with the right skill sets for their company.

What courses will get you into employment.
We have a huge section of courses dedicated to getting you back into work or get the role you need. Also to become your own boss.
Getting back to work can be the chance you needed to change direction, just a minimal selection below:
- Pet Care Courses
- Online courses on project management
- Business management courses online
- Time management courses online
- Gardening
- Children’s story writing
- Health & Safety
- Excel and other Microsoft courses
With so many affordable online courses available in one place you can achieve anything in life.