E-learning and what it means. It's a learning system based on formalised teaching with the help of electronic resources- is known as E-learning. It can also be termed as a network enabled transfer and sharing of skills/knowledge, and the delivery of education which can be made to a large number of recipients at the same or differing times.
Previously, it was not accepted in full as it was assumed that this system lacked the human element required in learning. However, with the advanced benefits of video and Teams style delivery it has gained in popularity. Now it is accepted world wide.
Governing bodies have embraced these methods of e learning and have accredited courses.
The introduction of computers was the basis of this revolution and as we have become hooked to smartphones and tablets, etc, these devices now have an essential importance in the classrooms for learning. Books are gradually being replaced by electronic educational materials like e books or pen drives. Knowledge can also be shared via the Internet, which is accessible 24/7, anywhere.
E-learning and what it means to schools and businesses.
Schools and businesses which use E Learning technologies are one step ahead of those which still have the traditional approach towards learning.
E-learning and what it means to the learner.
The importance and effectiveness of technology-based teaching and learning should not be taken lightly or ignored completely. It is believed that the human brain finds it easier to remember and relate to what is seen and heard via moving pictures or videos. It has also been found that visuals, and apart from holding the attention of the student, are also retained by the brain for longer periods. Various sectors, including agriculture, medicine, education, services, business development, and government start ups are adapting to the concept of E-learning which will help in the progress of a nation.
What are the benefits of e learning?
Staff retention.
Employees today are keen to learn and up-skill through e learning. If an organisation does not provide ample learning opportunities, its employees may join a competitor.
Today’s learners want personalised content available at their point of need. Since they are mostly on the move, they prefer being able to access content anytime and from anywhere via E Learning
Learners are also busy multitasking and have a limited attention span. If organisations are keen for them to learn something new, they have to offer bite-sized pieces of information that do not take too much time to consume. This is where online E Learning courses come into their own.
E-learning saves time and money.
With online E Learning, your learners can access their content anywhere and anytime. They don’t need to take time out from their jobs to attend classes. E-learning is cost-effective; companies save a substantial amount on the travel and accommodation costs of both learners and instructors, as well as the venue and materials. No printing reduces your carbon footprint.
E-learning leads to better retention.
Modern learners prefer bite-sized, interactive content over conventional methods. They would rather watch a video or listen to a podcast than read through pages of a manual. E-learning tools enable learning designers to make content interactive and more interesting.
E-learning is consistent. You can eliminate the issues of inconsistency, it's scalable, offers personalization and makes it possible to cater to individual needs.
E Learning course selection.
E Learning enables access to 1000s of accredited courses from single directories.