Tag: #wellbeing

#wellbeing is important. Our Health and Wellbeing course will teach you everything you need to know in order to develop and implement an effective wellbeing strategy, no matter where you work. Health and wellbeing in the workplace isn’t just about feeling content and maintaining a good work-life-balance, but also about improving confidence and job satisfaction, developing positive relationships, avoiding physical harm and encouraging a healthy lifestyle.

As a manager or supervisor, you have a duty of care towards your employees and should look to promote their health, safety and welfare on a daily basis. Not only will this enhance employees’ everyday lives, but it will also make workers more productive and motivated in their job roles. You will find CPD accredited well being courses at great prices.

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Understand what makes a successful wellbeing strategy and know what needs to be considered to promote and maintain health, safety and wellbeing in the workplace.
  • Know more about the different types of physical and mental ill-health that the wellbeing strategy is aiming to prevent and support.
  • Recognise how wellbeing can be enhanced by making changes to company policies, procedures and approaches towards a person’s work life.
  • Understand the importance of encouraging a healthy work-life balance amongst employees.
  • Understand the business benefits of actively promoting health, safety and wellbeing in the workplace.

We will support you throughout your course and help you gain all the benefits from it.

CPD accredited well being courses and certificates at www.etrainuk.com
